Universal Aid Ukraine
Lift Ukraine e.V.

The Lift Ukraine e.V. association has its origins in the evacuation and accommodation of Ukrainian refugees in Germany at the beginning of the war.
Sven and his team work tirelessly day and night to give Ukrainians in Germany a better life. But that's not all. Through their support and partnership, they enable small teams and organizations like us to work on site.
BHS Corrugated

BHS Corrugated is one of our most important partners. On average, with their colleague Matthias, they organize large aid transport to eastern Ukraine every two months, bringing urgently needed relief supplies and purchasing locally in order to make the operations even more efficient and strengthen the Ukrainian economy.
Humanitäre Soforthilfe Ammerland | Ostfriesland e.V.

A newer partner is the HSAO. Located in Lea's hometown, we look forward to your support. Medical supplies are being diligently collected (primarily) and sent to us in eastern Ukraine. The HSAO also supports the distribution of medicines here on site.